Videri Partners with Glass-Media at NRF2023

Retail’s Big Show comes roaring back this year and Videri was on display as it partnered with Glass-Media on the trade show floor.

Retail is back!

If there was any question about retail being back, Retail’s Big Show in January 2023 confirmed it. The roaring comeback of the NRF Retail’s Big Show industry event brought together the universe of technology in retail into a packed Jacob Javitz Convention Center in NYC, and set the bar for new conversations about the future of retail and the role technology can play in it.

Technology in retail has seen growing importance over the past 10 years with retailers and partners to the retail community continuing to focus on improving the retail experience through tech. Innovation in retail is not new but what NRF achieves annually with its event is a common inflection point where all the players in the industry come to learn, teach, share and explore what technology could make possible for retail.

Shopper’s have heightened expectations of retail, and retailers are stepping up.

No surprise that the first major retail industry event in a post-pandemic world creates a buzz as the industry faces new challenges of the shopper having heightened expectations of retail experiences. Gone are the days when shoppers accept lackluster experiences when they venture out into retail. Shoppers have missed retail, but they also expect that if they choose to go to physical stores now, with all the other options available to them – the experience needs to be a memorable one.


Digital and content: Heroes of the show.

Digital and content creation were front and center across many of the sessions this year, no surprise. While digital has been a topic in retail for years, what was different this year was the ubiquitous nature of digital for retail. Digital is no longer a thought or an idea but it is a must have if brands are able to keep up and compete for competition in the foot traffic space, the lifeblood of any retailer.

Linking digital with physical is a cornerstone of what retailers are grappling with – how to leverage the power of digital signage in a dynamic and high-impact way. This is no longer about who has the digital sign, but it’s about who is using digital in a high-impact way, driving real ROI for their business, vs who is just spattering digital into their retail footprint where its fits. This in itself drives a focus on content and content creation as marketers and brands globally redirect increasing levels of budget to content for retail.

Retailers have a role to play in promoting clean energy.

Especially gratifying to see was a final keynote session with Scot Case VP , CSR and sustainability for the NRF with actor, writer and producer Kal Penn who addressed the intersection of climate, clean energy and business as it relates to retail. How retailers can play their part to this global challenge and trying to overcome the differences in opinions and ideas, was a refreshing addition to this year’s agenda. Digital display providers, including Videri, have a role to play in continuing to challenge status quo with consumption levels and the efficiency in their display technology. Clearly brands and retailers are going to expect more of their solution providers, and they should. This is an area where Videri is proud to lead with the world’s lightest, most energy efficient display setting a new bar for retailers and brands. We believe that beyond the simple energy efficiency now essential in digital displays, the basic ability to set brightness levels on schedules should now also be table stakes.


Shoppers expect immersive experiences

Another Videri favorite was the conversation with Neiman Marcus (a Videri client) CEO Geoffroy van Raemdonck on integrative retail and the customer experience. Underscoring the importance of immersive experiences that stores have, and the thirst that the shopper has for interactions was not a surprise to Videri with Neiman Marcus. This retailer has taken a leadership role in leveraging Videri Digital Canvases as a solution that combines art and retail into immersive showcases. Their pop-up Videri Canvas wall installation with custom video and image orchestrations set them apart at the store level with shoppers who expect more. Retailers like Neiman Marcus are moving beyond the big LED wall to immersive experiences that stop traffic and engage shoppers in new ways, like leveraging Videri’s Orchestration feature.

NRF2024 and beyond.

We look forward to NRF2024 as the organizers continue to help the industry push the boundaries of retail through the power of technology. NRF plays a critical role in keeping innovation strong and healthy across this industry that is in constant evolution and re-invention.

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