Let’s work together to tell an impactful story in more ways than one.
Through continuous improvement of our product design, energy efficient production practices, and procurement of low-emission raw materials and packaging, Videri strives every day to find new ways to mitigate and reduce emissions and become carbon neutral.
Our Journey to Net Zero.
Carbon neutrality.
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the manufacturing process from production to use, delivering eco-friendly, long-lasting products that reduce total energy consumption and e-waste.
Circular economy.
Minimizing our impact by using recycled materials, developing products that last longer, providing a rent-and-reuse program, and responsibly recycling those that have reached end-of-life.
Clean technology.
Innovating and continuously improving digital display technologies that enable sustainable operations through lower power usage, higher performance and upgradable firmware and software.
Our Progress
Innovations for the Future
Thinner and lighter, requiring fewer resources than a standard display.
Videri Canvas is the world’s thinnest, lightest and smartest digital display that includes a built-in mount and just one thin power cable, reducing the need for additional components or product sourcing.
Fewer truck rolls and the elimination of extraneous equipment.
Videri products are simple and easy to deploy and manage—reducing the need for site visits and lowering energy use. Our continuous commitment to innovation has resulted in less fuel utilization, a much lower volume of e-waste to manage, and reduced carbon emissions.
50% less power consumption than a leading commercial display.
Canvas is also low-power and high functioning. With a built-in media player, no extraneous chipsets or ports, speakers, TV tuner, or even HDMI or USB ports, Canvas was built with energy efficiency in mind.
Devices collected, treated, recycled, and recovered at end-of-life.
Not only have we built a sustainable product, but we also ensure that once it’s reached the end of its useful life, it’s properly recycled through our e-waste management program.
Advancing circularity with our rent and reuse program.
Through Videri partners, we have a growing rental business for projects like events, tradeshows and pop-up stores. These Canvases are used repeatedly and prevent unnecessary purchase and disposal of displays for short term projects.
Minimizing the need for printed materials with Proof of Play.
With Videri’s Proof of Play reporting capabilities, merchandisers can now “rent” digital space to their manufacturers, reducing the amount of printed point-of-sale displays in-store.
Product Recycling
EU Directive 2002/96/EC of the European Parliament and the EU Council on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (known as the WEEE Directive) came into force across EU Member States on 13th August 2005. The WEEE Directive was further updated by EU Directive 2012/19/EU on WEEE (known as the WEEE ‘Recast’ Directive) which later came into force on 24th July 2012.
The purpose of the WEEE Directive is to minimise the impact of uncontrolled disposal of electrical and electronic equipment when it reaches end-of-life by requiring producers such as Videri to provide arrangements for collection, treatment, recycling and other forms of recovery of the products they sell in Europe when they become waste.

All products which are covered by the WEEE Directive must be appropriately labelled with the crossed-out wheelie bin symbol. This symbol denotes that the product must be collected separately from other waste streams when it reaches end-of-life.
For Videri products which are covered by the WEEE Directive and therefore labelled with the crossed-out wheelie bin symbol, please follow the information below in the country you are located to understand how you can send equipment for recycling when it reaches end-of-life.
Under the Austrian Ordinance of Waste Prevention, Collection, and Treatment of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EAG-VO), for products that you buy from Videri which carry the crossed-out wheelie bin symbol, Videri provides arrangements for the collection, treatment, recycling, and recovery of these products when they reach end-of-life.
Videri takes its environmental responsibilities seriously to ensure a high-quality recycling process for our products when they reach end-of-life. Videri has implemented a recycling agreement with the European Advanced Recycling Network (EARN Elektroaltgeräte Service GmbH) to ensure the correct treatment, recycling and recovery of WEEE for which Videri is responsible.
As part of this agreement:
- Videri will pay for the costs of treatment, recycling and recovery of WEEE for which Videri is responsible
- In return, Videri requires the end-user customer to arrange and pay for the costs of transport of the WEEE to the EARN recycler in Austria
To organise transport of WEEE for which Videri is responsible, please use the link to complete the online form.
After you have completed the form, you can prepare the WEEE for transport to the EARN recycler by following the online instructions provided.
Under the German Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act (known as ElektroG), for products that you buy from Videri which carry the crossed-out wheelie bin symbol, Videri provides arrangements for the collection, treatment, recycling, and recovery of these products when they reach end-of-life.
Videri takes its environmental responsibilities seriously to ensure a high-quality recycling process for our products when they reach end-of-life. Videri has implemented a recycling agreement with the European Advanced Recycling Network (EARN Elektroaltgeräte Service GmbH) to ensure the correct treatment, recycling and recovery of WEEE for which Videri is responsible.
As part of this agreement:
- Videri will pay for the costs of treatment, recycling and recovery of WEEE for which Videri is responsible
- In return, Videri requires the end-user customer to arrange and pay for the costs of transport of the WEEE to the EARN recycler in Germany
To organise transport of WEEE for which Videri is responsible, please use the link to complete the online form.
After you have completed the form, you can prepare the WEEE for transport to the EARN recycler by following the online instructions provided
Under the Ordinance on the Management of Special Categories of Waste in the Fund System (OG 124/23), for Videri products which carry the crossed-out wheelie bin symbol, Videri provides arrangements for the collection, treatment, recycling, and recovery of these products when they reach end-of-life.
Videri takes its environmental responsibilities seriously to ensure a high-quality recycling process for our products when they reach end-of-life. Videri has concluded a recycling agreement with the European Advanced Recycling Network (EARN Elektroaltgeräte Service GmbH) to ensure the correct treatment, recycling and recovery of Videri products when they reach end-of-life.
As part of this agreement:
- Videri will pay for the costs of treatment, recycling and recovery of Videri products when they reach end-of-life.
- In return, Videri requires the end-user arranges and pays for the costs of transport of the WEEE to the EARN recycler in Croatia
To organise transport of Videri products when they reach end-of-life, please use the link to complete the online form.
After you have completed the form, you can prepare the WEEE for transport to the EARN recycler by following the online instructions provided.
Under the Danish Order for WEEE, for products that you buy from Videri which carry the crossed-out wheelie bin symbol, Videri provides arrangements for the collection, treatment, recycling, and recovery of these products when they reach end-of-life.
In addition, for any old products purchased before 1st April 2006 that your purchase from Videri replaces on a one-for-one and like-for-like basis, Videri provides arrangements for the collection, treatment, recycling, and recovery of the old product which is being replaced.
Videri takes its environmental responsibilities seriously to ensure a high-quality recycling process for our products when they reach end-of-life. Videri has concluded a recycling agreement with the European Advanced Recycling Network (EARN Elektroaltgeräte Service GmbH) to ensure the correct treatment, recycling and recovery of WEEE for which Videri is responsible.
As part of this agreement:
- Videri will pay for the costs of treatment, recycling and recovery of WEEE for which Videri is responsible
- In return, Videri requires the end-user customer to arrange and pay for the costs of transport of the WEEE to the EARN recycler in Denmark
To organise transport of WEEE for which Videri is responsible, please use the link to complete the online form.
After you have completed the form, you can prepare the WEEE for transport to the EARN recycler by following the online instructions provided.
Under the Finnish Law on Waste (410/2014), for products that you buy from Videri which carry the crossed-out wheelie bin symbol, Videri provides arrangements for the collection, treatment, recycling, and recovery of these products when they reach end-of-life.
In addition, for any old products purchased before 13th August 2005 that your purchase from Videri replaces on a one-for-one and like-for-like basis, Videri provides arrangements for the collection, treatment, recycling, and recovery of the old product which is being replaced.
Videri takes its environmental responsibilities seriously to ensure a high-quality recycling process for our products when they reach end-of-life. Videri has concluded a recycling agreement with the European Advanced Recycling Network (EARN Elektroaltgeräte Service GmbH) to ensure the correct treatment, recycling and recovery of WEEE for which Videri is responsible.
As part of this agreement:
- Videri will pay for the costs of treatment, recycling and recovery of WEEE for which Videri is responsible
- In return, Videri requires the end-user customer to arrange and pay for the costs of transport of the WEEE to the EARN recycler in Finland
To organise transport of WEEE for which Videri is responsible, please use the link to complete the online form online form.
After you have completed the form, you can prepare the WEEE for transport to the EARN recycler by following the online instructions provided.
Under Decree 2014-928 on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment and used Electrical and Electronic Equipment, for products that you buy from Videri which carry the crossed-out wheelie bin symbol, Videri provides arrangements for the collection, treatment, recycling, and recovery of these products when they reach end-of-life.
Videri takes its environmental responsibilities seriously to ensure a high-quality recycling process for our products when they reach end-of-life. Videri has concluded a recycling agreement with the European Advanced Recycling Network (EARN Elektroaltgeräte Service GmbH) to ensure the correct treatment, recycling and recovery of WEEE for which Videri is responsible.
As part of this agreement:
- Videri will pay for the costs of treatment, recycling and recovery of WEEE for which Videri is responsible
- In return, Videri requires the end-user customer to arrange and pay for the costs of transport of the WEEE to the EARN recycler in France
To organise transport of WEEE for which Videri is responsible, please use the link to complete the online form.
After you have completed the form, you can prepare the WEEE for transport to the EARN recycler by following the online instructions provided.
Under the Italian Legislative Decree No. 49 of March 14, 2014, for products that you buy from Videri which carry the crossed-out wheelie bin symbol, Videri provides arrangements for the collection, treatment, recycling, and recovery of these products when they reach end-of-life.
In addition, for any old products purchased before 31st December 2010 that your purchase from Videri replaces on a one-for-one and like-for-like basis, Videri provides arrangements for the collection, treatment, recycling, and recovery of the old product which is being replaced.
Videri takes its environmental responsibilities seriously to ensure a high-quality recycling process for our products when they reach end-of-life. Videri has concluded a recycling agreement with the European Advanced Recycling Network (EARN Elektroaltgeräte Service GmbH) to ensure the correct treatment, recycling and recovery of WEEE for which Videri is responsible.
As part of this agreement:
- Videri will pay for the costs of treatment, recycling and recovery of WEEE for which Videri is responsible
- In return, Videri requires the end-user customer to arrange and pay for the costs of transport of the WEEE to the EARN recycler in Italy
To organise transport of WEEE for which Videri is responsible, please use the link to complete the online form.
After you have completed the form, you can prepare the WEEE for transport to the EARN recycler by following the online instructions provided.
Italian WEEE Registration number – numero di iscrizione al Registro AEE (D.lgs. 49/2014): IT 24050000016040
Under the Dutch Regulation of 3 February 2014, number IENM/BSK- 2014/14758, laying down rules concerning Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment, for products that you buy from Videri which carry the crossed-out wheelie bin symbol, Videri provides arrangements for the collection, treatment, recycling, and recovery of these products when they reach end-of-life.
Videri takes its environmental responsibilities seriously to ensure a high-quality recycling process for our products when they reach end-of-life. Videri has concluded a recycling agreement with the European Advanced Recycling Network (EARN Elektroaltgeräte Service GmbH) to ensure the correct treatment, recycling and recovery of WEEE for which Videri is responsible.
As part of this agreement:
- Videri will pay for the costs of treatment, recycling and recovery of WEEE for which Videri is responsible
- In return, Videri requires the end-user customer to arrange and pay for the costs of transport of the WEEE to the EARN recycler in Netherlands
To organise transport of WEEE for which Videri is responsible, please use the link to complete the online form.
After you have completed the form, you can prepare the WEEE for transport to the EARN recycler by following the online instructions provided.
Under Portuguese Decree Law No. 152-D/2017, for products that you buy from Videri which carry the crossed-out wheelie bin symbol, Videri provides arrangements for the collection, treatment, recycling, and recovery of these products when they reach end-of-life.
In addition, for any old products purchased before 13th August 2005 that your purchase from Videri replaces on a one-for-one and like-for-like basis, Videri provides arrangements for the collection, treatment, recycling, and recovery of the old product which is being replaced.
Videri takes its environmental responsibilities seriously to ensure a high-quality recycling process for our products when they reach end-of-life. Videri has concluded a recycling agreement with the European Advanced Recycling Network (EARN Elektroaltgeräte Service GmbH) to ensure the correct treatment, recycling and recovery of WEEE for which Videri is responsible.
As part of this agreement:
- Videri will pay for the costs of treatment, recycling and recovery of WEEE for which Videri is responsible
- In return, Videri requires the end-user customer to arrange and pay for the costs of transport of the WEEE to the EARN recycler in Portugal
To organise transport of WEEE for which Videri is responsible, please use the link to complete the online form.
After you have completed the form, you can prepare the WEEE for transport to the EARN recycler by following the online instructions provided.
Switzerland is a member of the European Free Trade Association but not part of the European Union or European Economic Area. As such, Switzerland has no obligation to follow EU policy nor implement transposing regulations, including those covering the requirements of the EU WEEE Directive.
Instead, extended producer responsibility regulations in Switzerland covering collection, treatment, recycling and recovery of end-of-life devices is covered by the Ordinance on the Return, Take-back and Disposal of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (VREG). The Ordinance came into force on July 1st 1998 and has been followed by a number of subsequent amendments to expand on the scope of
The requirements of VREG are significantly different from the requirements of the EU WEEE Directive. In particular, manufacturers who place obligated products on the market in Switzerland must join a government-approved collective recycling scheme to provide collection and recycling of the products when they become waste.
Videri has joined the collective recycling scheme SWICO to provide collection and recycling of its products when they reach end-of-life. To arrange collection and transport of the waste Videri equipment, you can contact SWICO directly:
Under the UK WEEE Regulations, for products that you buy from Videri which carry the crossed-out wheelie bin symbol, Videri provides arrangements for the collection, treatment, recycling, and recovery of these products when they reach end-of-life.
In addition, for any old products purchased before 13th August 2005 that your purchase from Videri replaces on a one-for-one and like-for-like basis, Videri provides arrangements for the collection, treatment, recycling, and recovery of the old product which is being replaced.
Videri takes its environmental responsibilities seriously to ensure a high-quality recycling process for our products when they reach end-of-life. Videri has concluded a recycling agreement with the European Advanced Recycling Network (EARN Elektroaltgeräte Service GmbH) to ensure the correct treatment, recycling and recovery of WEEE for which Videri is responsible.
As part of this agreement:
- Videri will pay for the costs of treatment, recycling and recovery of WEEE for which Videri is responsible
- In return, Videri requires the end-user customer to arrange and pay for the costs of transport of the WEEE to the EARN recycler in the UK
To organise transport of WEEE for which Videri is responsible, please use the link below to complete the online form.
After you have completed the form, you can prepare the WEEE for transport to the EARN recycler by following the online instructions provided.